Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Rest of the Story . . .

What an experience returning to Ukraine. I hope each of you had time to read the last blog. I arrived in Cherkasy late Friday evening and was glad to be home. I carried my suitcases through eighteen inches of snow for two blocks! What a homecoming.

I spent my first week recuperating from a fall from Saturday morning then I fell again Friday night on the ice and snow. On Monday, I visited the hospital to make sure everything was ok. I feel fine, however every muscle in my body hurts. Then on Friday night, a week later I fell again. I think this fall put everything back in place, if that is possible.

It was an adventure at the hospital. Someday I will have to tell you about it, they gave me tons of pills and herbs to take. I also visited the chiropractor last week and he confirmed that it was ligaments and muscles, nothing very serious, just down time from exercising to heal! Now for me that is tough. I like my daily exercising.

This past week I celebrated my 55th birthday. Thank you for all your greetings and best wishes on Facebook. Also Pastor Matt sent me an email with the significance of the number 55 plus ‘Happy Birthday’ translated in many different languages; it was fun to read, after my guests left.

I invited numerous friends for dinner to fellowship and get to know each other better. I invited the senior pastor, his wife and the acting pastor and her husband; along with girlfriends, interpreters and other very dear friends. We met on Saturday, which is Shabbat. After our meal and wonderful cake we participated in a biblical discussion.

Shabbat consists of time spent with family and God. We gave God glory and thanksgiving for His work in our lives. This was a very special day for me to spend in this manner with friends. Our discussion included a few controversial topics. However, we were able to converse and pray together even though we do not agree theologically. God is good in giving us grace for each other.

God bless each of you.
Your humble servant,

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing the rest. Glad you are fine after the 2 falls. What a blessing to be with others in fellowship, and to celebrate your birthday. Love you much. Blessings.
