Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Celebrating A Chruch Birthday

This has been a full weekend for me. I left Kyiv Friday night for Kherson, arrived there Saturday morning and taught until 4:45. We fellowshipped with the pastor and then headed back to Kyiv by 8:30 PM. Arriving in Kyiv at 9:30 AM, I took a taxi which took me to the marschrutka (small bus) that drove me to Cherkasy. Our ride to Cherkasy is normally about two hours; this time it was four. The main bridge was being repaired and we had to take an alternative route. This new route blessed me; it reminded me of the back roads of northern Minnesota. I thoroughly enjoyed the ride.

Arriving in Cherkasy about 2:15, I met Sasha, my friend’s son. We walked to church, it was hot and I was tired, but the walk felt good after riding all night and morning. I was concerned about being late but God got me to the church on time!

The service was wonderful; the churches love to celebrate their birthdays with dance, drama and worship! Please review the attached video and photos. I cannot remember how many pastors were there to honor the church and its work. I do not know the pastor personally, but I know his fruit. I have been working with members of his congregation for three years and am close friends with some of the members. Their lives and servant’s attitude says a lot about their pastor. I commended him for his faithfulness and doing the Lord’s work.

After the service, the church blessed the pastors with a party, great food and wonderful fellowship. The theme was ‘a children’s birthday party’. We had to wear party hats as a ticket to get into the party and all the women received a balloon animal! They had children’s games with everyone participating. The pastors formed a band, using children’s musical instruments. They tied balloons to the men’s shoes and each pastor tried to pop the others. The women participated in other games, also. It was a great time. We were able to be regular people having fun just like children!

Jesus said "Let the little children come to me. Don't keep them away. The kingdom of heaven belongs to people like them."

Alyona had an amazing program for the church birthday. She is the children’s pastor and has a heart to teach them worship and is introducing them to the Lord’s feasts or celebrations. She is truly anointed. She has allowed God to take her to a higher level in worship and dance. (Dancers – this is the fruit of a heart pursuing to worship God and sharing that love and joy with others! Please be encouraged and do not stop dancing.)

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