Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Personal Thoughts

It has been a couple of weeks since I wrote on the blog. I thought I would give you a break from my intense tour of Krakow. I am in Kyiv studying, spending time with God, and enjoying my alone time.

The other day, I visited the Botanical gardens it was a very hot day. I found a couple of paths that were canopied with trees. What a refreshing spot to sit and enjoy the weather and the beautiful gardens. There were many grandmas and grandpas with their grandkids.

During my garden tour, I met two American women who attend a Ukrainian church in New Jersey. It was fun to pray with them and bless them, along with their Ukrainian host family.

I wonder, if I was in America, if I would be as bold about my Christianity as I am here. I guess maybe so, it has become a lifestyle for me.

Traveling to the garden was long and hot. I took one small bus, the Metro, (train) and an electric bus. Wow! It took 90 minutes riding around town. I enjoyed being out and about and away from my intense studying. And visiting the garden is worth the time. I found a less time consuming way home!

Personal reflection:
Krakow has changed me forever. It did not have the same impact as Israel, nonetheless I have changed. I loved Krakow, it is a beautiful city full of rich history. I highly recommend it as a must see!

Auschwitz: it is hard to imagine that a human being could inflict so much pain and agony on another. The trip is very educational, yet so oppressing. I wonder if this type of persecution will be experienced by Christians someday.

I also realized that as many times as Satan has tried to destroy God’s chosen people there is always a remnant that survives. Studying Matthew, the feasts and now doing an in-depth study of the Old Testament, I see all the different attempts to stop the Messiah from coming forth. As Christians, we know the Messiah came and fulfilled the Spring Feasts and will return to fulfill the Fall Feasts. Praise God!

I mentioned that I am making a few personal changes, this week I visited my favorite beautician and had my hair cut and styled. She cut off 8 inches! I could not believe it, don’t worry, I still have hair! It was fun to do something really different for me.

God bless each of you for your faithfulness. Kathy

1 comment:

  1. Love you. Thanks for sharing...I will keep reflecting on many things you have shared from your experiences.
