Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Last Seder of 2009 - Plus

April was a busy month of traveling and fellowshipping with friends during the Passover season. Our Passover Seders are part of the college program. We have a great time experiencing a traditional Jewish Seder plus learning of the traditions and Biblical roots of the Seder.

Our last Seder was held in Kherson. We started late, but enjoyed our time together. There always are issues when the administrator is absent. The group is like a flock of sheep who don’t know what to do! So, with a few instructions everything falls into place. The Lord touched each of us in a special way. The college did not make arrangements for photos during the Seder. I apologize for this.

Kherson’s Pastor shared with me of his Jewish roots. He has attended an Orthodox Seder, of course which is different than the colleges program. We teach about the Seder and how it reveals the Messiah.

Please continue to pray God opens and softens hearts to receive His word.

While in Kherson, Luda and I visited an old fortress including a church founded by Catherine the Great! It was interesting to see the well, where they dug escape tunnels and to photograph some of the church statues and walk through the park. Seeing history is much more exciting than reading about it.
It is hard to believe that over 200 years ago, Catherine persevered and was victorious in obtaining access to Ukraine’s southern regions. She built fortresses and cities during her conquerors. Kherson is one of these areas. The walls were mounds of dirt, with an iron gate. Catherine’s goal was to retrieve access to the Black Sea to increase Russia’s shipping potential.

Personal note: This past week, I had an opportunity to visit a dentist! I have not been to a dentist to have my teeth cleaned in about five or six years. Luda called and checked prices and cleaning methods. We found a dentist in our building that is reasonably priced. Wow! I was in for quite an experience. They use ultra sound and a machine like a pressure washer! Am I behind the times or is this a new treatment? I know one thing, it cleaned my teeth! I feel like a new person.

Thank you for your prayers, we covet them greatly.

1 comment:

  1. You have our prayers, Kathy. I pray that you are able to show Christ as He chose to show Himself - in His ordained holy-days. Next up is Shavuot, when two leavened loaves were waved before the Lord - just as a formerly sinful Jewish and Gentile people are waved before the Lord in His Church. Oh, that the Lord would enlighten our eyes to see what great things He has prepared.

    Be encouraged, sister and fellow-laborer in the Gospel.

    - Pastor Matt -
